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Diabetes Quiz

Q:Diabetes is defined best as...

AA metabolic disease characterized by low blood sugar

BA metabolic disease characterized by high blood sugar

CA family of blood infections

DNone of the above

Q:Diabetes can be cured with diet, exercise, and medication.

 True False


Q:Which is not a symptom of diabetes?

AItchy skin


CFrequent urination

DMuscle pain

Q:Insulin is a natural hormone secreted by which organ or gland?

AThe kidneys

BThe liver

CThe pancreas

DThe spleen

Q:People who are obese are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.



Q:Prediabetes is considered a reversible condition.



Q:Type 2 diabetes can cause long-term damage in the...




DAll of the above

Q:Gestational diabetes occurs...

ADuring pregnancy

BAfter a bout with shingles

CAt birth

DAfter menopause

Q:People with diabetes are prone to ________________.

AAcne (Pimples)




Q:With type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin.



Q:When the body does not respond to the insulin it makes, this is called...

AType 2 diabetes

BDiabetes mellitus

CBoth of the above

DNone of the above

Q:____________________ is a condition in which the kidneys are unable to conserve water.

ADiabetes mellitus

BDiabetes insipidus

CGestational diabetes

DDiabetic coma

Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: tanya (12.08.2013)
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