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Hospital departments quiz


Hospitals are a confusing maze of specialist departments. Do you know which function or body part each specialism relates to? Test your medical expertise here...



1. In which part of the body does a chiropractor specialise?

 Nervous system 
 Lymphatic system 
 Skeletal structure 

2. Orthopaedics is the branch of medicine concerned with childhood illnesses: true or false?


3. What therapy is based on restoring health by the manipulation of the skeleton and muscles?


4. A geriatrician specialises in treating…?

 Mental illness 
 Male OAPs 
 Male and female OAPs 

5. Chiropody and podiatry are both branches of medicine that deal with the foot: true or false?


6. Somebody might need to visit an obstetrician if they…?

 Are pregnant 
 Have broken a bone 
 Can't see well 
 Have a foot problem 

7. Which of the following is spelt correctly?


8. Nephrology is the science that deals with which part of the body?


9. What might the Otolaryngology department also be called in a hospital?

 Ears, Nose & Throat 
 Children's Ward 

10. Which hospital department deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of tumors?


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