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1.       How to express pain?



Examples of use

sore (adj.)

If a part of your body is sore, it causes you pain and discomfort.

·         I must have something under my eyelid. My eye is very sore.

·         I’ve got a sore throat, I can’t even speak.

to hurt (v.)

If a part of your body hurts you feel pain there.

·         My belly hurts, I think I’m about to get my period.

·         Steven broke my heart. You can’t imagine how much it hurts!

pain (noun)

Pain is a feeling of great discomfortyou have, for example, when you have been hurt or when you are ill.

·         I feel very acute pain in my kneecap. I’m afraid it might be broken!

·         My wife has been treating me very badly. I can’t stand this pain anymore.

ache (noun)

An ache is a steady, fairly strong pain in a part of your body.

·         I’ve got a headache, runny nose and I keep sneezing. I might have caught the flu!

·         Please doctor, help me! I’ve got a terrible toothache.


2.       Match up the words with their definitions:


syringe                                                                a particular disease such as measles or pneumonia

disease                                       small, solid mass of medicine that you swallow without chewing  

illness                                      a doctor who doesn’t specialize in any particular area of medicine

GP           an illness which affects people, plants or animals e.g. caused by bacteria or infection

fever                                                bringing an illness or injury to and end or making it disappear

sick leave                    a small tube with a needle at the end used for putting liquids into things

prescription                  an injection given in order to prevent someone from getting  a disease

treatment                               time a person spends away from work because of illness or injury

pill                                                                     a person whose job is to care for people who are ill 

vaccination               if you have it your body temperature is higher and your heart beats faster

nurse                        a piece of paper on which a doctor writes what medicine you need to take

cure                                                   medical attention given to a sick or injured person or animal



3.       Complete the following sentences:


a)      I’m sorry Sir, I can’t sell you this drug. You need to have a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from your doctor in order to buy it.

b)      My shoulder has been very _ _ _ _ since I fell off my bike  two weeks ago.

c)       AIDS is the most dangerous Sexually Transmitted _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Although scientists work hard on this issue, the _ _ _ _ is so far unknown.

d)      I will never go to Egypt again! I spent all my holidays sitting on a toilet with severe diarrhoea and a terrible stomach _ _ _ _ .

e)      Last winter was really harsh. Half of my colleagues were on _ _ _ _     _ _ _ _ _ .

f)       A volunteer group in my town are organising a street action, giving out  single-use_ _ _ _- _ _ _ _ to drug addicts. They hope it will stop many _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from being spread.

g)       The work of _ _ _ _ _ _ is underappreciated in Eastern Europe. They earn very little!

h)      Could you touch my forehead? I ‘m really hot, I have a feeling I have got a _ _ _ _ _ .


4.       What may happen to your body if you’re not lucky enough.....




Examples of use

an injury(n.), to injure(v.)

 Damage done to a person’s or an animal’s body

My aunt was badly injured in a car crash. She had to be hospitalised.


Damage to part of your body, especially a cut or a hole in your flesh, caused bya gun, knife or other weapon.

Alex’s grandfather likes to talk about his wounds caused by the enemy during the World War II.

to break(v.)

If a bone breaks you areinjured because in cracks or splits.

Kevin broke his leg as he was jumping off the stage at the rock concert.

to twist(v.)

If a part of you body twists it moves into an unusual, uncomfortable or bent position for example because of being pushed or hit.


I will never wear high-heel shoes again! Last week as I was wearing them I fell down and twisted my ankle.

a bruise(n.), to bruise(v.)

An injury that appears on your body as a purple mark, although the skin is not broken.

After a street fight his body was all bruised.

a scratch(n.)

A small, shallow cut.

My brother’s had a car crash, but fortunately he wasn’t badly hurt. Just a few scratches.

to swell(v.),swollen(n.)

If something swells it becomes larger and rounder than normally.

I got stung by a bee and my leg swell up.

a fracture(n.)

A slight crack or break in something, especially a bone.

I can’t walk very fast, I have a hip fracture.


5.       Homework: Explain the meanings of the following words and use them in sentences:

·         cut

·         fall out of sth

·         overdose

·         shoot

·         hit

·         hangover

·         unconscious

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